Dell m1000e Chassis Commands

Fan Speed

This command is to control the fan speed manually

racadm config -g cfgThermal -o cfgThermalMFSPercent  75

This will set the minimum fan speed to 75%.  You can set it from 0-100%.  Obviously 0% is more like 35% but you won’t be able to tell.

You can view the requested fan speed by the servers in the chassis by running:

racadm getfanreqinfo

View LAN Configuration

racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking
racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking -m server-2

*-m server-n Specifies the server by its slot number (1–16) in the chassis.
For example, server-2.

Chassis Control Commands

racadm serveraction [-m <server-n>] <action>
racadm serveraction [-a] <action>

-m server-n Specifies the server by its slot number (1–16) in the chassis.
For example, server-2.
-a The specified power action is performed on all servers
<action> Specifies the action. <action> may be one of the following:
• powerdown — Powers down the server.
• powerup — Powers up the server.
• powercycle — Issues a power-cycle operation on the
• hardreset — Performs a reset (reboot) operation on the
• graceshutdown — Shuts down the server gracefully.
• powerstatus — Displays current power status (Online,
Off) of the server.
• reseat — Performs a virtual reseat of the server.


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